Risk Manager Plus on Cloud User Guide
_toc QUICK START GUIDE Here is a short video tutorial walking you through the steps listed…
Risk Manager User Guide
_toc QUICK GUIDE TO THE RISK MANAGER Success! You have just created your first risk management…
Risk Manager Plus User Guide
_toc QUICK START GUIDE Success! You have just created a new risk management project and you…
Software Risk Analysis
Software Risk Analysis in Medical Devices
In the Medical Device industry software components, whether standalone or as part of a physical device,…
Risk Management of SOUP software
Risk Management of Off-The-Shelf (OTS) Software
Your software is likely to contain a number of components, items, packages, libraries, etc. not developed…
Hazard analysis and FMEA
Hazard Analysis and FMEA: the Most Common Approaches to Risk Management for Medical Devices
What is the difference between Hazard Analysis and FMEA. Which approach should you use. Comparison and examples.
Risk Automotive
Why Jira for your Risk Register? Risk Management is an essential governance practice for enterprise, product,…
best jira risk apps
3 Best Jira Cloud Risk Management Plugins Compared [2024]
Comparison of risk apps on Jira Cloud
Skinuvita Team Tablet© Skinuvita copy
In Search of a Compliance Solution that Lets You Sleep at Night
How to find the best regulatory compliance solution for medtech on Atlassian
Risk Management Guide for a Digital Health or a Medical Device Company on Jira Cloud
Why Risk Management In the fast-paced world of medical device development, safety and quality are of…
Risk Management Templates for Jira
How to Build a Risk Analysis in Jira
How to build a risk analysis in Jira with the SoftComply Risk Manager app
Why Decompose the Probability of Harm in two – P1 and P2
P1 and P2 No we are not talking about the early Playstation versions… ISO 14971 (2019…